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Scholarship Fund

The Heartwood School is an equal opportunity school that gives subsidized tuition to all children who wish to attend. The Heartwood School will work towards grants and government subsidies where possible but independent funding for the scholarships ensures guarantees for the students who wish to attend. If you wish to make a donation to be a sponsor in our scholarship fund please click here.

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Endowment Giving

As a not for profit The Heartwood School relies on recurring donations to provide a consistent and reliable foundation for the education of the students. A gift that keeps on giving is the best way to ensure the growth, prosperity and longevity of the school. If you wish to donate a yearly sum to the school please click here

Planned Giving

The Heartwood School exists on donations made by the community, as a not for profit, everything that is given will be given back to community through education of their young, cultural events and summer programs. Heartwood School will also work fill in gaps in the community where there is need as a community hub. To make a one time monetary donation or to donate good or services please click here.




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